The food dryer deprives foods of water and is a very old technique that was used to preserve foods. This technique prevents mold from forming on foods and the result is that foods decrease in volume and become lighter and more convenient to store.
Vacuum cooking: why to use it in your restaurant.
Vacuum cooking, also known as sous vide, is an increasingly popular culinary technique. A low-temperature cooking method that involves preparing food sealed in plastic bags with temperatures between 50° and 100°.
Braising is a slow cooking technique that allows food to be processed in two stages: roasting and stewing.
Glass freezers: freeze and sanitize, the secret to perfect cocktails.
Glass freezing machines are professional tools that chill and sanitize glasses by breaking down bacteria in a matter of seconds.
Candied fruit and professional candier: everything you need to know.
The word "candire" comes from the Arabic qandat, transcription of the word in Sanskrit khandakah ("sugar"). The products obtained by candiing are called candied fruit.
Churrasco: Brazilian Meat Specialty.
The churrasco is the typical grilled Rio Grande do Sul that is prepared with mixed meat of various types, from chicken to beef, from pork to sheep. The meat of the churrasco is served on sword-shaped skewers.