Retarder-proofing cabinets and tables
€2,714.00 Senza tasse
€3,311.08 Con tasse
Proofing cabinet - Model FLZ700 - Operating temperature -20°/+35°C - Capacity liters 620 - Prepared for n. 20 pans cm 60 x 40 - Relative humidity UR 55 ÷ 95 - Power W 750 - Single-phase power supply V230/1/50Hz - Dimensions cm 72 x 82 x 205 h
€2,843.63 Senza tasse
€3,469.23 Con tasse
Proofer cabinet - Stainless steel - Model71FL - No. 1 door - Operating temperature -6°/+40°C - Capacity lt 700 - Trays capacity 60x40 cm - Tuch screen panel - No humidifier - Dimensions cm 72 x 80 x 202 h
€3,158.89 Senza tasse
€3,853.85 Con tasse
Proofing cabinet - Model 71 FLUMI - Humidity - Temperature -6/+40°C - Capacity lt 700 - N° 1 blind door - Stainless steel - Ventilate - Size cm 72 x 80 x 202 h
€3,206.10 Senza tasse
€3,911.44 Con tasse
Proofing cabinet - Model71FLV - Grid capacity 60 x 40 cm - Stainless steel - Capacity lt 700 - No humidifier - Ventilate - Temperature -6/+40°C - Glass door - Dimensions cm 72 x 80 x 202 h
Retarder proofers
Proofing cabinet - No. 20 x cm 60 x 80 or 40 x cm 60 x 40
€3,278.88 Senza tasse
€4,000.23 Con tasse
Proofing cabinet - Model FLZ900 - Operating temperature -20°/+35°C - Capacity liters 890 - Prepared for n. 20 pans cm 60 x 80 or 40 pans cm 60 x 40 - Relative humidity UR 55 ÷ 95 - Power W 1400 - Single-phase power supply V230/1/50Hz - Dimensions cm 80 x 101 x 212 h
€3,402.07 Senza tasse
€4,150.52 Con tasse
Proofing cabinet - Stainless steel - Model91FL - No. 1 door - Operating temperature -6°/+40°C - Capacity lt 900 - Trays capacity cm 60x40 - Dimensions cm 79 x 101 x 202 h
Retarder proofers
Proofing cabinet 700 litre - Glass door - Humidity management
€3,521.66 Senza tasse
€4,296.42 Con tasse
Proofing cabinet -Modello 71FLUMI/SVMI - Glass doors - Temperature -6/+40°C - Capacity lt 700 - Ventilate - Humidity management - Dimensions cm 72 x 80 x 202 h
€3,780.19 Senza tasse
€4,611.83 Con tasse
Proofing cabinet - Model 91 FLUMI - Humidity management - Temperature -6/+40°C - Capacity lt 900 - Blind door - Stainless steel - Ventilate - Dimensions cm 79 x 101 x 209
Retarder proofers
Proofing cabinet 900 litre - Without humidifier - Glass door
€3,807.51 Senza tasse
€4,645.16 Con tasse
Proofing cabinet - Model 91FL/SVMI - Capacity of weaves cm 60 x 40 or 60 x 80 - Stainless steel - No humidifier - Ventilate - Temperature -6/+40°C - Capacity lt 900 - Dimensions cm 79 x 101 x 209
€4,186.23 Senza tasse
€5,107.20 Con tasse
Proofing cabinet - Model 91FLUMISVMI - Capacity lt 900 - Glass door - Stainless steel - Ventilate - Temperature -6/+40°C - Dimensions cm 79 x 101 x 209